Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause: What’s The Difference?
Criminal Defense
When arrested for one reason or another, you'll hear many legal terms that sound similar but with very different meanings. These terms will significan ...
Criminal Defense
When arrested for one reason or another, you'll hear many legal terms that sound similar but with very different meanings. These terms will significan ...
Criminal Defense
Since assault is categorized in Virginia as a violent crime, the penalties can potentially be very severe. The formal definition for assault will vary ...
Criminal Defense
Theft in Virginia can be in many forms depending on the circumstances of the offense and the value attached to the property. Convicted persons can spe ...
Criminal Defense
Virginia has one of the harshest driving laws in the United States. A ticket for reckless driving is not as simple as most other traffic offenses; it ...
Criminal Defense
If you or a loved one have been charged with felony assault or battery chargers in Virginia, you need to act fast to fight back. These penalties could ...
Criminal Defense
Have you ever heard the term “prima facie case?” It is a term in Latin that translates to “the case at first sight.” Filing a prima facie case ...