Should You Hire An Out-Of-Town Attorney?
Criminal Defense
Are you better off hiring an aggressive out-of-town attorney who doesn't care whose toes he steps on? I'm Northern Virginia criminal defense attor ...
Criminal Defense
Are you better off hiring an aggressive out-of-town attorney who doesn't care whose toes he steps on? I'm Northern Virginia criminal defense attor ...
Criminal Defense
I'm Northern Virginia criminal defense attorney Scott Nolan. And I'm here to talk to you about the impending decriminalization of marijuana. Many ...
Can the police draw your blood when they pull you over for a DUI? Unfortunately, the answer is yes, sometimes they can. The Fourth Amendment to th ...
One of our clients told us a story where he was driving along at a safe rate of speed below the speed limit. When he moved over and passed by a po ...
Criminal Defense
The traffic rules are aggressively enforced in Virginia, which has some of the strictest traffic laws in the nation. One of the reasons for the strict ...
Can you get your drug cases thrown out? I'm Northern Virginia criminal defense attorney, Scott Nolan, and today I'd like to talk to you about g ...